Hi! Please,looking for an advise- when is the most suitable time to start the method? Baby is 2 months old now. I was thinking about 4 months to start. Is it ok or too early?
I did method with my 1st child at 5.5 month.
Best to start
- Forumets ordförande
- Inlägg: 11193
- Blev medlem: fre 17 nov 2006, 09:25
- Ort: Stockholms Skärgård
Re: Best to start
Hello and welcome!
I'm so sorry you had to wait for an answer, I usually get notifications when there are new posts but this one must have passed me by.
So the book "For the Love of Children" starts from day one! If you follow that you can start NOW.
The "cure" it's self is as you say from about 4 months when you start giving solid food and they can sleep for 12 hours without food.
https://www.adlibris.com/se/bok/for-the ... 9197773621
I'm so sorry you had to wait for an answer, I usually get notifications when there are new posts but this one must have passed me by.

So the book "For the Love of Children" starts from day one! If you follow that you can start NOW.

The "cure" it's self is as you say from about 4 months when you start giving solid food and they can sleep for 12 hours without food.
https://www.adlibris.com/se/bok/for-the ... 9197773621
Tor 2006
BB barn från början. Sov sin första 12h natt 5 dagar före 4 mån, Diplomerad SS vid 6 mån 
FTLOC child from the beginning. Slept his first 12 hour night 5 days before 4 months.