Forum Terms and Conditions:
A WARM welcome to you, parents and fellow human beings who want to talk and listen to others about children - who are ours as a gift and a loan! Yes, they give us trouble at times - but they teach us so very much, not least about ourselves. is my personal website, created, operated and maintained by volunteers. Currently there is one English language forum, four German language forums and seventeen different parenting forums in Swedish. Each forum has its own Administrator to ensure that no message goes unanswered. (The exception is the Swedish section Barnasaker where buying and selling of items is ongoing). I welcome you all. Here you will not feel alone.
There is no requirement that you are a parent, but it is obviously an advantage. This is a place to meet people who have big or small problems with their big or small children, who want to solve these problems with constructive advice and discussion. There is also no requirement that you have read, or even know the For the Love of Children (FTLOC) philosophy. The only pre-requesite you need is an open mind, with a willingness to take on the FTLOC philosophy. The attitude towards children as explained in FTLOC is represented consistently in these forums. It is an approach which says that you are your young children’s best friend in the world and you are raising them to one day stand on their own two feet with the necessary tools and skills to live a harmonious life.
Children benefit enormously from simplicity. Most issues with young children are much easier to resolve once you have a goal in sight. On these forums you can find simple and practical advice that speaks common sense, get support in your parental role, discover new experiences and perspectives, feel joy over the wealth that children bring and enjoy them (again). Small children should be enjoyed and enjoy themselves!
Children also benefit greatly when treated with objectivity. Criticism, reprimands, negative statements of all kinds should always be followed by a way out, a resounding YES to each NO - a constructive alternative that provides true guidance. In these forums the same principle applies.
The spirit within these forums is positive. For anyone who does abuse the forum (and/or members), individual posts or entire threads can be removed without notice and without justification.
If you are here to lament the hell you are in because you are a parent then you are still welcome - but you may not be able to count on much more than a kick up the bum. The starting point must be to want to learn and change, not complain. Victim mentalities are not cultivated here - it is the goodwill of the children which sets the tone.
Personal attacks are not appropriate and as with small (and not so small) children, there must be a clear distinction between thing and person.
The only advertising on this site is unpaid and is for products which I can vouch for based on personal experience. It is not without pride that I find myself alone providing a parenting forum free from any commercial advertising.
The whole parenting forum is also picture-free so that photos, footers, counters and so on do not distract the eye from the text. In your personal profile there is an option to link to an image if you so wish.
As for threads advertising goods or services for the child, the principle is that what is advertised is sold privately and at cost. The aim should be to serve the small (or not so small) children, and no one else.
So welcome to my website which above all is about the children, and a positive attitude to them and to parenthood. Informative, uplifting and constructive - these forums are unique.
Anna Wahlgren - mother of nine, grandmother of fourteen, parent educator, child advocate
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Forum Terms and Conditions
- Forumets ordförande
- Inlägg: 11193
- Blev medlem: fre 17 nov 2006, 09:25
- Ort: Stockholms Skärgård
Forum Terms and Conditions
Tor 2006
BB barn från början. Sov sin första 12h natt 5 dagar före 4 mån, Diplomerad SS vid 6 mån 
FTLOC child from the beginning. Slept his first 12 hour night 5 days before 4 months.